

A comment on "Functions, commodities and environmental impacts in an ecological-economic model"

NTNU Publications, link to full article

In a recent paper in this journal, Suh [Suh, S., 2004. Functions, commodities and environmental impacts in an ecological-economic model. Ecological Economics 40 (4), 451-467.] presented a model combining life cycle assessment (LCA) with input-output analysis (IOA); termed "integrated hybrid LCA". In [...]


The importance of imports for household environmental impacts

NTNU Publications, link to full article

A promising way to reduce environmental impacts of consumer expenditure is through the encouragement of more sustainable consumption patterns. Consumers cause environmental impacts both directly, such as by fuel use in personal cars, and indirectly, by paying for the production of consumables. With [...]


Structural analysis of international trade: Environmental impacts of Norway

NTNU Publications, link to full article

Final demand purchases initiate production processes that ultimately lead to environmental impacts. With the increase in international trade, many production processes occur outside of the country of final consumption. Whilst several studies have evaluated the pollution embodied in consumption and t [...]


Including human health damages due to road traffic in life cycle assessment of dwellings

NTNU Publications, link to full article

Goal, Scope and background. Methodologies based on life cycle assessment have been developed to calculate the environmental impact of dwellings. Human health damages due to exposure of occupants to substances and noise emitted by road traffic are not included in these methodologies. In this study, a [...]


Feasibility and scope of life cycle approaches to sustainable consumption

NTNU Publications, link to full article

International policy documents call for the application of life-cycle assessment (LCA) in the development of sustainable patterns of consumption and production. We describe how LCA, in combination with input-output analysis and household consumption data can be used to determine the environmental im [...]


Fission or fossil: Life cycle assessment of hydrogen production

NTNU Publications, link to full article

A comparative hybrid life cycle assessment (LCA) was conducted to evaluate two different methods for hydrogen production. The environmental impacts from nuclear assisted thermochemical water splitting are compared to hydrogen production from natural gas steam reforming with CO2 sequestration. The re [...]


Marine ecotoxic effect of pulse emissions in life cycle impact assessment

NTNU Publications, link to full article

Characterization factors for ecotoxicity in life cycle impact assessment are traditionally calculated as the product of effect and fate factors. Steady-state multiple compartment models are used to calculate the fate factor, while effect factors are derived from species sensitivity distributions (SS [...]


Environmental assessment of two waste incineration strategies for Central Norway

NTNU Publications, link to full article

Background, Aims and Scope. A strategy of local incineration with 17 small incinerators (Scenario L) is compared to a strategy of 3 centralized waste incinerators (Scenario C) for the region of Central Norway, in order to assess differences in environmental performance. Rough calculations of costs a [...]


Fugacity superposition: A new approach to dynamic multimedia fate modeling

NTNU Publications, link to full article

The fugacities, concentrations, or inventories of pollutants in environmental compartments as determined by multimedia environmental fate models of the Mackay type can be superimposed on each other. This is true for both steady-state (level III) and dynamic (level IV) models. Any problem in multimed [...]


A theoretical foundation for life-cycle assessment: Recognizing the role of values in environmental decision making

NTNU Publications, link to full article

The presence of value judgments in life-cycle impact assessment (LCIA) has been a constant source of controversy. According to a common interpretation, the international standard on LCIA requires that the assessment methods used in published comparisons be 'value free.' Epistemologists argue that ev [...]