

A comprehensive set of global scenarios of housing, mobility, and material efficiency for material cycles and energy systems modeling

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Scenario-based assessments are a useful tool to explore unknown futures and inform decision makers and the public of the consequences of different courses of action. Scenario developments in industrial ecology have focused on disparate components of the socioeconomic metabolism and case studies, and [...]


Material efficiency and climate change mitigation of passenger vehicles

NTNU Publications, link to full article

A transition to electric vehicles and renewable energy is currently underway but may not be rapid enough in order to reach ambitious climate change mitigation targets. Therefore, additional, preferably instantaneous, measures are needed for quick emission reductions, which is where material efficien [...]


Linking service provision to material cycles: A new framework for studying the resource efficiency–climate change (RECC) nexus

NTNU Publications, link to full article

Material production accounts for 23% of all greenhouse gas emissions. More efficient use of materials—through decoupling of services that support human well-being from material use—is imperative as other emission mitigation options are expensive. An interdisciplinary scientific assessment of materia [...]


Increased carbon footprint of materials production driven by rise in investments

NTNU Publications, link to full article

The production of materials is an important source of greenhouse gas emissions. To reduce emissions, policies aim to enhance material efficiency and the circular economy, but our understanding of the dynamics of material-related greenhouse gas emissions is limited. Here, I quantify the greenhouse ga [...]


Potential Climate Impact Variations Due to Fueling Behavior of Plug-in Hybrid Vehicle Owners in the US

NTNU Publications, link to full article

With the expected rapid growth of renewable electricity generation, charging plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) from the grid promise ever higher reductions in CO2 emissions. Previous analyses have found that the share that PHEVs are driven in electric mode can differ substantially depending o [...]


Beyond peak emission transfers: historical impacts of globalization and future impacts of climate policies on international emission transfers

NTNU Publications, link to full article

Globalization of supply chains has resulted in rapid increases in emission transfers from the developing to the developed world. As outsourcing has risen, developed countries have been able to decarbonize domestically, at the expense of increased emissions in developing countries. However, the rapid [...]


Happier with less? Members of European environmental grassroots initiatives reconcile lower carbon footprints with higher life satisfaction and income increases

NTNU Publications, link to full article

Scientists and policymakers recognize the need to address consumption and lifestyles in order to reconcile environmental and development agendas. Sustainability-oriented grassroots initiatives emerge bottom-up to create opportunities for sustainable lifestyles; yet no prior assessment has ascertaine [...]


Assessing electric vehicle policy with region-specific carbon footprints

NTNU Publications, link to full article

This study contributes to better understanding the interregional variability in vehicle carbon footprints and presents a case study of China's electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure promotion plan (EVSE2020). Based on an integrated hybrid life-cycle assessment (LCA) with new regional electric [...]


Environmental co-benefits and adverse side-effects of alternative power sector decarbonization strategies

NTNU Publications, link to full article

A rapid and deep decarbonization of power supply worldwide is required to limit global warming to well below 2 °C. Beyond greenhouse gas emissions, the power sector is also responsible for numerous other environmental impacts. Here we combine scenarios from integrated assessment models with a forwar [...]


Connecting global emissions to fundamental human needs and their satisfaction

NTNU Publications, link to full article

While quality of life (QOL) is the result of satisfying human needs, our current provision strategies result in global environmental degradation. To ensure sustainable QOL, we need to understand the environmental impact of human needs satisfaction. In this paper we deconstruct QOL, and apply the fun [...]